This is the second last letter that Bhagavan had written to His Master Swami Pavitranandaji before realization from Maligaon, Assam. During this time He was at the peak of spiritual austerity and was just standing at the door of Self Realization way back in 1984.
To the lotus feet of the Father,
As the days are passing, my devotion, reverence and love for you is increasing. It is as if the truth is gradually becoming clearer. It is as if I am discovering the source of bliss, and that, the Guru is so dangerously beautiful is also becoming clear to me. It is as if, the knowledge is becoming still and dancing around with vibrations. The snake when in motion is a snake. When it is still, it is also a snake- this meaning is becoming clearer. The non vibrating knowledge seems to be vibrating, as if, the one seems to be many. As if that, the undivided, seems to be mine, and then this.
The above said words were yours and in every sentence there was this phrase 'as if'. When the elimination of this' as if' occurs, then the middle and end of the divine sport is destroyed. Is this 'as if' the doctrine of Maya?
Centering on your thoughts a discussion circle on Vedanta has formed here. This discussion of Advaita Vedanta is going on.
Remembrance and thoughts about you are going on every moment. Bless me so that I can realize your eternal utterance - ' throughout all time and space, the cause or existence is the undivided consciousness.'
I felt very good while learning about everybody in the Ashram. I sent some money. When is your birthday next month according to the lunar calender? I didn't receive the copy of Charaibati from the Janai Ashram.
With millions of pranams,
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