Thursday, July 8, 2010

thoughts about existence

The word Existence itself means theres something other than nothingness. No, nothingness is not the nature of existence. It seems though initially that everything fades away into a sea of voidness but the one who sees this remains, the one who says that there is viodness, empty. He who says so is not empty or void, Who is He? Going one step further, our serch for existence receives a U turn because the one we were searching seems void, now the question is, Who is the one who is searching? who is the seeker? The search for the seeker reveals the infinite knowledge within us and we indentify ourselves with that Infinite Knowledge as one. We are that Kowledge. As said in the vedas, Thou art that. This "that" is the supreme knowledge, the existence. So, then, we can say, I am this. The last thing one can say about truth is- It is. It is - indeed there, not nothingness, not voidness. This existence cannot be expressed because the knowledge by which we express the known becomes one here. The knower, the known and the knowledge becomes one. So, who will define whom, thus advaita or oneness.
how does water drops appear different as deep sea, waves and the surf? The existence is one, only the name and form differs. This name and form is called this world. You will never end this up by estimating how and why things appear this way. The only answer to this is to go deep and realize the self or Brahman or the Truth.reach that state of supreme silence where everything goes and mingles. That is the ultimate unity, the abode of all, the source. You, ma and all of us have come from that and will go back to that. And we are that. Realize the unity within. realize that you are not the body or mind or ego , you are the Self. These endless confusions are of the mind, so go beyond the limitations of the mind.

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