Bhagavan is not a person who claims to have descended into the world to liberate each and every soul who comes His way or to whom humanity should bow down or else commit innumerable sins. Bhagavan is a person who has gone through each and every possible sufferings in this world as we all do. But, the only difference is, He wanted a solution, a permanent solution and during His endevour to search for the solution, He came across this vast knowledge of Vedanta. Subsequently, He experienced the oneness with that knowledge. He found out that the only solution for this world is to stay with the truth and He Himself did just that risking all His personal, proffessional and worldly interests. Oneday, He found that He became one with that truth and that He was the truth. He cried out with joy and extreme love for all human beings,' O the soul of all souls, I have found the truth, I have found the answer. If you want you can also find it within yourself. I am ready to lay down my life for the absolute interest of you all.' Many disbelieved Him, some had curiosity and very few believed Him. For those who came to Him, they knew the truth. Then came more, and more realized the truth. This sequence went on for 20 years until oneday when all of them cried out with extreme reverence and love,' O Master, thou art the God. Thou art Bhagavan. Though savest our lives.' And thus this man, the man next door, the man whom we count always in need, the man who cries for others, the man who is related to all sufferings that we face and the man who had all the answers, became Bhagavan.
He lives in Kolkata and still encourages everybody to love God, love truth, realize their Self. At the age of 69, His whole day is spent by talking to people and more people. A man who has taught me to dream and the man who trained me to make those dreams come true is My Master Bhagavan. If I gather happiness and joy of a million lives, still they will seem trivial as compared to the joy I receive at His lotus feet.
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