The journey of spirituality though has a beginning, yet, it doesn't have any end. The only thing which is true here is just to flow or March on. As the scriptures had said, Charaibati. Sri Ramakrishna once said,"I learn till I live". No one could say a word about the ultimate, the only statement that could be made is, "He is beyond mind and speech". That, "He is". In that case, the Maha Samadhi or the Ultimate unification with the Self after which there is no coming back into the world perceptible by the senses, can be considered to be the highest truth which has been expressed.While moving forward, sometimes it appears that we have accomplished the whole journey, that we had come to the end where everything immerses into an absolute unity. But, the next moment, another subtle world reveals itself with all its depth and shows us how ignorant we were and with a realization that we hadn't even started yet. The journey which was thought to have ended had actually just began. Some consider pranayamas to be all about spirituality, some considers visiting temples and pilgrimages or seeing holy men is spirituality, for some becoming vegetarian is becoming spiritual, there are some who consider to have just started the journey after the attainment of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. What is truth? Truth is the self, real and absolute which cannot be negated after negation of all. What is then the world, or this body, or the mind or ego? The consciousness of world is the world, the consciousness of body the body, mind the mind and the consciousness of ego is the ego. Consciousness of the Self therefore is the Self, ultimate reality, Truth, Enlightenment. ....the 3rd letter follows:
Sri Ramakrishna Saranam
Purulia, 22-08-1978
Received the news of your letter. If Brahman would be ever separated from me, then attainment of Brahman as described in the scriptures would be similar to the attainment of vessels, pot, money, fame, wife, children... Is it the same? The scriptures have referred thus 'attainment of That leads to attainment of everything', -this means that this object does not fall under the classification of a common object or a common achievable worldly object. With sadhana, when our intellect gets refined, then God, or perception of God, gets gradually refined as-well. Attaining my Self or Atman is the Supreme attainment, that is, elevation into the Jyana Yoga. Now understand the relationship between firm determination and mercy. Determination is a part of mercy. In the scriptures it has been said that without strength Atman or the Self cannot be attained,again, by the mercy of God does our desire for Advaita Brahman arises. Anyway, you keep on with your sadhana, enlightenment is bound to come. Write to me after completion of your tour program, I am waiting for that. With the blessings of Sri Ma I am well. Know my best wishes. Yours, Maharaj
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