Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vedanta Sadhana, letter-2

I am thankful to everybody for the response. Some of you have wished to know about the other letters. Its an endeavor to present them in the best of my capabilities. Bhagavan was initiated in the year 1978 by Swami Pavitrananda Maharaj, the disciple of Swami Krishnananda, who was in turn the disciple of Shri Shri Ma Sarada Devi, the holy consort of Shri Ramakrishna. As Bhagavan was a house holder and used to work in the Indian Railways in Guwahati, Assam and His Master lived in Purulia in West Bengal then, He had lesser opportunities to sit at the feet of Swami Pavitranandaji and learn the essence of Vedanta. So, correspondence through letters was the only medium. These letters are the only guide which lead Bhagavan to Nirvikalpa Samadhi in the year 1984. When I came to Bhagavan in the year 1989, I saw Him distributing these letters among common mass. He often used to take classes based upon these letters. These letters were later published in Bengali in the year1990. The letter follows:
Sri Ramakrishna Saranam


I was in Janai from 13th July to 4th of august. I received your letter on the 5th after reaching here. Engage yourself in meditation and comprehension maintaining good health. You have to walk on the middle path between extreme austerity and relaxation. Your marriage is because of the karmas of your past life. Don't grieve, you have to walk on in your real path and goal by remaining here. There is no success in this path without strong determination. Read 'Jyana Yoga' by Swami Vivekananda very carefully and slowly and think about its essence. If any confusion arises write to me immediately. With the word 'Maya' an illusory bondage between time, space and causality( cause and effect) is explained. God is the only reality, and the rest is unreal. And our perception about God is refined gradually. God doesn't gradually refine itself, our 'antakarana' (mind, intellect, chitta*, and ego), or intellect is redefined gradually. God or Brahman is unchangeable, rest are all changeable. With the mercy of Sri Sri Thakur I am well. When you have registered your name in Sri Ramakrishna's hospital, then you need not to worry, the disease will be cured. Therefore there is no room for any thoughts of despair. Know my best wishes.

Swami Pavitrananda Maharaj
(Chitta- that faculty of mind which always seeks pleasure.)

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