Swami Probuddhananda
I am the observer, I am the observed and I am the observation. There is none other than me ever. Realize this and be free....
Vikas Chhabra
looks to me more theoretical than practical! may be true for u at present!! :-)
Swami Probuddhananda
hahaha...its true Vikas. What is theoretical today will be practical tomorrow. Thanks and love
Vikas Chhabra
Why not today, right now! ;-)
Swami Probuddhananda
why not if you want now, sure. Just now it can happen. Just have the perception that you are not Vikas, you are the Self. Your reality will change now. Do it and see....
Vikas Chhabra
if it is so simple, then it is just imagination. Even the perception relates to illusions! rite? is there anything more practical?
Swami Probuddhananda
illusion is not the reality. Perception of an illusory self viz. I am the name or the body etc makes us relate ourself to them and thereby illusion. Perception of the reality makes us experience the reality. Can you feel or perceive yourself as the absolute existence? If you can't it is because you are convinced about your other nature. The moment ... See Moreyou know or perceive fully that you are the Self, you become that. This is all about Advaita Sadhana and the most practical way to experience the truth.
Sudeep Sehgal
@ Swami Ji : i really don't know what u r saying is true or not but in case it is then its undoubtedly the most practical way one could follow...but before asking much abt it...i just want to ask u that " have u been able to change ur reality ?? "
if yes : does it means that there is nothing more in this world 4 u to achieve (u have become one with the self)
if no : wat makes u believe that realizing the self is just the matter of changing the perception ??
Swami Probuddhananda
Sabaash Sudeep. I appreciate your question.
I would like to say though its the most practical way, its not so easy as it sounds. One has to fight against his own mind and the past impressions which he has been carrying along since thousands of years. But, by the guidance of an able master or Sat Guru and by his own desire to attain that realization of oneness with the infinite, one does discover his true Self.
By the mercy of my Master, I have experienced the Self.
Till you attain Self Knowledge, you have to discriminate always that the world is false. After realization, though you have the complete knowledge that the world is false or like a dream and that the self or Brahman is the only reality, yet, a realized soul doesn't deny the world.The rest of his life is spent for the cause of others. With the due permission of my Master, I am in the process of dedicating myself in the good of others. Thats what I can say as of now.
With love, Swamiji
Sudeep Sehgal
Swami ji : thanks for replying...i totally agree with the above thoughts...
[by the guidance of an able master or Sat Guru and by his own desire to attain that realization of oneness with the infinite, one does discover his true Self.]
as far as ones own desire to attain realization is concerned, he/she is full responsible for it but how to find an able master or sat guru....and after finding one how to make sure if he/she is an able one ??
(plz dont take anything personally...its just that there are so many (hundreds of them on the facebook only) who claim to be the above said ...
Sudeep Sehgal
if possible , kindly reply this in ur next note so that its available to all...
Vikas Chhabra
this is a very Genuine but tough question! waiting for the reply eagerly.
Sudeep Sehgal
i dont think its going to be a tough one for swami ji :)
Swami Probuddhananda
Sudeep and Vikas, Guru or a Master is the embodiment of Truth, Knowledge, bliss, freedom, purity and fearlessness. He is the abode to all those heavenly qualities. In Him, resides the three Vedas and all pilgrims. Gaining His mercy is Liberation.
Now, the question is, does this kind of man really exist. My answer is a definite YES. A man as described above is always present in this world.
If He is there, why don't we see Him? My answer is- we might see Him, but, its hard to recognize Him.His behavior is very ordinary. The more a man is enlightened, the more simple, easy and ordinary He becomes. We have an idea or preoccupation in our mind regarding a spiritual person or Master. How this idea comes to us is unknown but it does. If any given Master doesn't satisfy our idea of a Guru, we reject Him.And that is why, it is always difficult for us to find a real Master.
I have to mention that its unnecessary for us to move around in search of a Master. The fact is, the Master comes to us in time. But how?....
There are four known obvious ways to me how we can find a Sat Guru or a genuine Master.
1) By the noble/selfless actions performed during this and earlier lives.
2) Experiencing the falseness of this world, when man seeks to know the truth or God, then the Sat Guru comes to Him.
3) BY loving God alone.
4) There are some rare exceptional people like me, who do nothing noble neither do they search for truth nor love God. But by the unconditional mercy of the Lord, they come in contact with a Master. Why they earn this privilege is not known. I think if they were not showered with that mercy, they will never be liberated and hence cause much chaos in this world. So, to minimize chaos, God showers mercy in them. hahaha...
Now, how to know that we have already found a Sat Guru? The answer is- when you see that by coming to a person you have suddenly developed a confidence that you will realize God, Truth or the Self easily, you have to know that you have come in contact of a Sat Guru. When you see that your heart and head naturally bows down to a certain person with reverence and complete faith, you have to know that you have found a Sat Guru. When you find that you have fallen in love with that person and that a minutes separation feels like hell, that after seeing or meeting Him you don't want to meet anybody else, or even God, but always feel peace and a rare bliss in His presence, know that you are in contact of a Sat Guru.
There might be other ways too. But, this is only what I know. Thanks and love, Swamiji
(just let me mention the words of Lord Krishna,' shradhyaban lavate jnanam', a man having reverence will definitely attain absolute knowledge. Because of this quality present in your friends, they will one day come across a Sat Guru. The knowledge within them will keep flowing till it discovers the infinite. Today though it seems their urge to know Mathematics, but, its there because they know Mathematics as the only truth. They are actually approaching truth and this approach will lead them to the Self. So, a true spiritual personality always inspires man to search for higher knowledge, to look beyond what they know. To my understanding, if a constant and honest search is there for any, any given subject, we reach the truth. We reach our ultimate goal.
In spiritual world, the definitions are a bit different. A man who has faith in himself is a theist here. And a man who has faith in the 33 crores Gods mentioned in Hindu Mythology but doesn't believe in himself is a atheist. So, the man if he believes in Himself and has an unconditional love for all, can see the truth. God is the highest quality in a human being. I also know one teacher of mine from my college days. He is also a so called atheist because he is a leftist. I have seen the unconditional love, honesty and truth in him. I have seen God in Him, its that quality. He influenced me so much that after embracing the life of Sannyasa, I wrote my first letter to him to seek his blessings.
With regards to your lover friends, I have to say, love infact and indeed is God. The love that they feel for each other is God Himself. But, the problem is, they have experienced this love within some conditions. It was not an unconditional event. So, though they are experiencing God, which is within themselves, yet they will always think that the source of that love is the other person. So, pure God with false perception become bounded within impure body or mind, and hence though today they say what you have mentioned, tomorrow they will say the opposite. Don't be surprised if they say that their loved one today has become the most hated one tomorrow.
Follow what your heart says. Because there is no definite rule for everybody in spirituality. The path depends upon their past impressions/ sanskaras.
If you ask me how to find a Guru, I will only tell, you don't have to. Just seek the truth and pray to know this soon. Heavens will come to you. You can't reach there. In the words of Kathopanishads, ' yamaibanshu brinute tena labhdha....' God bless you Sudeep. Love, Swamiji )
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