Swami Sadananda was a disciple of Swami Vivekananda. He was an asthmatic. He used to suffer frequent asthmatic attacks all his life. When he was at the end of his life, one day he had the worst attack. He lay in the bed and started to pray to his Master Sami Vivekananda to protect him. Somehow the words came out: "Swamiji, please protect me. Swamiji, please protect me." Within no time he saw Swami Vivekananda lying in another bed in the same way he was and was also suffering an asthmatic attack. Sadananda was amazed to see Swamiji suffering. While suffering, Swamiji said: "Sadananda, you are suffering. I am also suffering. Face it, Sadananda. Face it."
This is the essence of our life. We try to decorate it according to our dreams, but it has its own way, its own path, and its own momentum. Its own destiny. We can try, but it will happen as it has to happen. So the best way is to face it. Face it with courage, face it with faith, with love. And with gratefulness. Your mother is my mother. I am also sad to know about her. But, let's face it together. Her only possession in this life is the love which she had given to you and others. Let us all love her so much so that when she leaves us, she leaves not with pain, but with fulfillment and satisfaction. Love is God. Let her see the living God while she passes inch by inch towards death. I am with you forever.
With love,
(Spirituality won't give you any worldly solution. But, spirituality will definitely make you become strong enough to accept this fact with courage that there is no solutions to the worldly problems. Know this and be free.)
(Ask yourself honestly, could you solve any of your problems permanently? The reason why there is no solution is because the problem doesnot exist. Its just an illusion. Where there is no creation, we see creation and destruction. Isn't it a great magic? See the world as a magic, which seems but isn't true. This is the only solution. You can try, try and try, ultimately you give up. This is what I knew till today. But knowledge is infinite, tomorrow might bring something new.)
(Vedanta though speaks of the illusory nature of the world, it is not heartless. A true Vedantin is a true human being. Though sufferings and every duality of this world is false, the world infact is false, yet, a man devoted in the love of God or spirituality doesnot negate the sufferings others face. He cries out with pain, feeling the pain of others. Cry for your mother, cry for the pain she is undergoing and pray that she be relieved from it.)
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